Der Umweltschutz ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben, vor denen die Welt steht. Die globale Erwärmung, übermäßige Menge an Müll sind Probleme, von denen wir tagtäglich zu hören bekommen. Um diesen Problemen gerecht zu werden hat die Geschäftsleitung der NOVA-TECH Spółka z o.o. die Produktion von Geräten eingeführt, die mit Umweltschutz verbunden sind, wie Zerkleinerungsmaschinen, die die Festabfälle, z.B. Holz, in ein ökologischer Brennstoff verarbeiten. Es sind Geräte von bewährter Leistung und Qualität.

Please find below information on the certification of our scaffolding systems with the SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden.

     After long cooperation with the Institute, the certification process has ultimately come to an end and relevant approvals will be issued for our scaffoldings within to the 31 of March this year allowing them to be sold on the Scandinavian market. This confirms that our products are of high quality.

     Visit our news section on for our products updates and special offers.

 Be our partner.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the award of the Certificate of Business Credibility based on your financials for 2012. Bisnode Polska, a business intelligence leader, honours the companies which are credible in business. The winners' circle only includes companies with the best stability rating given by Bisnode Polska.

Evaluation of the company?s reliability and stability is prepared by analysts based on:
?    analysis Purchasing Managers Index in accordance with Bisnode International Payment Monitor
?    analysis of financial ratios from the latest available financial reports
?    the greatest in Polish relational database of corporate and personal relations

Please accept my sincere congratulations on behalf of the entire team of Bisnode Group. I hope that the award will add to your prestige and competiveness in the market.

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